Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't touch a law student's laptop

So I happened to come across this article while I was trawling the internet:

Made me wonder, "What would happen if I snuck into every law schoolite's room just days before project submissions, stole their laptop and then flung it from the top of a very tall building?" Would I live to see the end of the day?

My point is, the amount of stress and anxiety that these institutions put on some students just can't be good for them. Imagine this, your laptop crashes on the night before the submission date, taking away every last word you painstakingly typed out. Yes, your life is in fact over as you watch the product of your hard work just vanish away into absolute nothingness in a matter of seconds.

Well, maybe you should have made an online backup of your work. But everyone knows that. Pfft.

Friday, November 14, 2008

And this is how it ends

Two and a half years in Bangalore. I didn't think things would pan out this way, but all I can do is pick myself up and get on with it. Most people assume that this was an extremely random and sudden decision on my part. But the people who live with me, who see me when I'm alone in my room, they know that this decision was a long time coming. All I can say is, better late than never. My only parting wish is that you remember me as a quiet guy who minded his business, and was up for a few laughs now and then.

Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. ~Garrison Keillor

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm in a musical vacuum these days. Haven't really listened to anything other than random offerings from DJ Baby Anne. My musical fluctuations sometimes make me wonder if I'm really a "metal head". I mean, I really don't care for extreme metal with their grotesque lyrics. Really, how is "Prepare to witness a place of gore, of legal dissection and blood on the floor" supposed to signify freedom or angst, or any other emotion that metal is supposed to signify? I listen to the genre only when I'm in the mood for fast paced, adrenaline pumping, energetic beats. Lyrics are a distant second in the priority list (Most of the time anyway). Another problem is the lack of quality among new entrants. The last "good" metal band I heard was Probot, and even those fuckers went emo for their sophomore album.

So that brings me to pop-rock. Still one of my more favoured genres, simply because of the whole mindlessness of it. Laugh at me if you will, but I'd rather listen to Blink 182 than to Dylan seven times out of ten. Yeah, they are bunch of kids singing about inconsequential things, but thats how I like things sometimes. No delusions of grandeur (No, that ballad isn't going to solve world hunger).

Hip-hop & Rap? Fifty Cent is not rap. Run DMC, now that was rap. Oh, and I do like some new hip hop artists like Gym Class Heroes and Lupe Fiasco. A breath of fresh air is what they are.

Anyway, I was recently into the whole bboy music culture. Its not really techno, because the same beat isn't repeated a million times and passed off as music, but then its not conventional hip hop because there really isn't any vocal aspect to it either. So I'd found myslef a sweet spot musically, but I got tired of that soon enough. Which brings me to my current predicament...