Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Legala Brochure

Another 10-15 minute Photoshop job. Emc needed a brochure for LeGala, nothing big, just 3 pages or so. And here's what I made for them. I especially liked the colour scheme.

Uh, not sure whats wrong with Blogger but thats not how these pictures are supposed to look like. Its supposed to be dark orange, not blue. Anyway, I hope they use it this time.

PS: Apologies to Ning for copying the "+AbC+" style. It just looks nice.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mid law school partaaaay!

Okay, I just had to put in my two cents regarding this whole "Mid Law School Party' crisis that seems to have engulfed the batch. So many opinions on what should be done. Booze? No booze? Food? No Food? Give away the money to charity? Go camping (I'm not kidding)? Create an effigy, pinata rather, of the clapper and stuff it with chocolate...etc etc.

As usual I had a few ideas on what needed to be done, but refused to divulge them lest they struck down in a rather forceful manner (Lets just say it involved 2 midgets, a carrot and a lame horse). So therefore, the most logical thing to do on that fateful night is this...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Its just any other day motherfuckers. Just get on with it. Or how about this, have a "barb wire" celebrating and rejoicing the amazing, crazy, sexy, cool mass of humanity that is the batch of 2011 (or is it 2010? I forget).

Oh, and most importantly, do have fun.