Monday, May 12, 2008


Spiritus (college's sports fest) is happening in the first trimester this year it seems. This gives me approximately three days to run off to some tourist-spot in the vicinity of Bangalore. But where to go? Gokarna's been done to death. Actually I would not really mind the place, but the risk of meeting other law-schoolites is a very real and frightening one.

Kodai seems to be the most likely destination as of now. I asked GB about the place, but all he ever tells me is that its a good place to score 'magic' mushrooms. Thats all well and good, but I need to know something more about a place before I decide to head off there. Such as lodging, food, sights, etc. I don't want to land up there and find a small dingy town with an inexplicably large number of d-dealers or something.

SM said that the next destination should be Mal-Land, i.e. Kerala. Again, I really don't mind going there but she's very unclear WHERE in Kerala we should be going to. And what we would be generally doing there. The biggest problem is that she wants to plan the entire thing, and I just can't trust any ONE person with such a monumental task.

I'll post any new locations which catch my fancy when I come across them.


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