Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday Bloody Sunday

September 21, 2008. I'll remember this day for a long long time. Its been one of my happiest days in Law School. By no stretch of imagination was it perfect (no electricity for 5-6 hours), but I felt a certain kind of bliss the entire day. After grumbling about the heat for half an hour, I decided to borrow the body builder's camera and head off looking for pictures to click

The first person I encountered was Chomal. He was busy on the phone but still found time to pose.

A few minutes were spent in the terrace. I realized that this was probably the most tranquil area of campus, okay, the second most tranquil since the LLM terrace beats all. Anyway, today it was just the ravens and me, sunbathing under a glorious September sky. Until some people walked in and ruined it all.

An dark, empty mess hall has a beauty of its own I realized. The black granite (Who knows?) tables and matching black steel chairs look good with a green natural backdrop. This was taken on the "panoramic shot" mode, whaetver that is.

Well, after that, I just began to explore Nags. Checked out the almost completed "road-like thing" in Nagarbhavi Circle. Kept walking till Vijaynagar, but then it was just shops beyond that and wasn't really interesting anymore.While heading back to campus, I met Ashish (II) who was also randomly taking pictures out of boredom. We compared photos and shamelessly complimented each other. Anyway, for the first time in my life, I noticed that the NLS campus was pretty scenic, but only if the lighting was right.

And capped off by a stunning sunset.


Blogger Ben Ning said...

yeah thats pretty scenic.
was it auto paorama or did you use a tripod? doesn't sound like you used one.

September 23, 2008 at 3:20 AM  
Blogger Epic_Lad said...

Erm...i used auto panorama...and rested it on a table to steady the shot.

September 23, 2008 at 11:07 AM  

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