Monday, April 7, 2008

A match made in...well, not in heaven at least

Very recently, a good friend of mine asked a girl out. Now since he's a nice young man, she said yes albeit after a bit of thinking. Well, you know the routine...they go out on dates, dinner together, strolls, etc. And then after three-four days, she tells him that she's not ready to do this ("this" meaning being committed to someone). And then they break up like decent human beings and go along their way (which is more than what I can say for some duos).

Now my question is this, why did she say yes if she wasn't sure? There should be a law which would prevent things like this from happening again. Something like a penalty system. You should be forced to listen to the entire "Celine Dion: Live in Las Vegas" or "Cannibal Corpses: Carnage in Cairo" DVD on surround sound or something. That should be adequate payback for the amount of pain and anguish caused to the other party. And also, this would dissuade anyone who "isn't sure" from agreeing to engage in a long term relationship and thus freeing us, the innocent bystanders, from any unwarranted headaches.

The important thing to note here is that I'm not taking sides in this issue, all I'm doing is stating that I absolutely hate these "quickie" relationships which leave both parties worse off and that I'm trying to recommend ways to prevent things like this from happening ever again.


Blogger Daniella said...

I agree ^_^
I don't get how people can just date someone without actually thinking about it and where its going. Its like these people do it for name's sake. Ah well. At least you've found someone. Hope its a good :P I will be expecting to be informed in detail :P MUHAHAHA.

Okay no, I won't be that nosy.
no, really. I will be expecting ;D

April 7, 2008 at 5:07 PM  
Blogger Epic_Lad said...

Okay you nosy little shall obtain details. But not here... :P

April 8, 2008 at 8:02 PM  

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